Charlotte Lebeck

Paulene L.

We’re pretty much aware of the term information overload, one we quip or feel after hours and hours of scrolling on social media, reading news articles online, and watching videos, documentaries, and the like. The world we live in today, where we are connected and engaged most of the time through the internet, can be saturating. Being online all the time and consuming everything we read, hear, and watch, can be a pretty draining activity.

The above highlights the easy access to and general abundance of information, but the same can be said about material goods. There are a lot of stuff that we accumulate over the years—sometimes to the point of having a lot more than necessary, thus leaving some, if not most, unused and neglected. Did you know while $1,700 is spent by an average American family for clothes every year, 65 pounds of clothes are thrown on the same period?

A minimalist venture with Charlotte Lebeck

Danish Jewelry Designer Charlotte Lebeck
Danish Jewelry Designer Charlotte Lebeck

With fast fashion and on-demand economy combined, clothing and accessory consumption are reaching new heights. It is no surprise then that there is an increasing trend to declutter and go minimal, taking inspiration from different cultural concepts and practices around the world.

Scandinavian brands are enjoying the spotlight today because of their cultural preference for clean designs, monochromatic aesthetic, and focus on quality materials. For accessories, one young luxury brand is winning the demand for minimal but stylish and edgy jewelries: Charlotte Lebeck.

Taking inspiration from the origin

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A quick glance at Charlotte Lebeck jewelries, one is going to be reminded by the simplicity of life with the occasional surprises. Only less than six years old, the Danish brand was established in 2012 by its namesake, Charlotte Lebeck, after gaining many years working in the fashion industry. On the same year that the label was launched, the first collection was also released, symbolizing the founder’s passion for precious metals and modern jewelry design.

Obviously inspired by its Danish roots, Charlotte Lebeck jewelries are without clutter and unnecessary distractions, grabbing attention through its charismatic use of strategic and clean designs with only the most appropriate materials.

Handcrafted, with a personal touch

Charlotte Lebeck Jewelry

Charlotte Lebeck offers contemporary jewelries that are not only guaranteed chic but also unique. Each piece of every collection boasts fine and genuine artistry as it is designed and made by hand by Charlotte, herself. Styling the brand for both every day and evening wear occasions, the wearer feels nothing but authenticity and personality. For customers though, having a Charlotte Lebeck means having a piece of pure and versatile jewelry that can be mixed and matched according to the wearer’s individual identity and personal style.

The luxury brand has all types of jewelries—from chains and rings, to bracelets and earrings. On top of the sleek shapes and patterns , only high-quality materials such as sterling silver, freshwater pearls, and gemstones are only used. Such huge selection leaves all its patrons satisfied, with them always finding that  perfect piece for any particular purpose they mean to use the jewelry for.

Reaching milestones slowly but surely

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Charlotte Lebeck’s interesting take on jewelry design has caught the eyes and ears of the press—from the magazines IN, ALT for damerne, 9PR, and Costume, to being worn by interior designer and blogger Funda Christophersen, and X-Factor Liveshows’ Lina Rafn. Today, the brand is sold exclusively in only ten retailers across seven countries worldwide (Canada, China, Denmark, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, and the United States).

As passionate as Charlotte Lebeck is, she once admitted in an interview with Heaven Has Heels that she always put a lot of effort and hard work on her creations, in order to ensure that there are no mistakes on the production of her designs. With such precise and perfect pieces, there’s no doubt that many are excited and waiting for more from the brand in the future. Especially as the trend towards a minimalist lifestyle continues to prosper, Charlotte Lebeck is indeed in the right position to address what the market is looking for.

Over the years, we have become unconscious to material consumption, constantly acquiring clothes, accessories, bits and bobs here and there, that accumulate to unmanageable degree. As we recognize that experiences matter more than possessions, carefully choosing high-quality jewelries that are made to not only last a lifetime but also to express one’s own identity, becomes an easy and preferred choice. Good thing there’s Charlotte Lebeck to provide the wearer with the opportunity to go back to a modified approach to basics—one with style and workmanship that remains always on trend.

Charlotte Lebeck Logo

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