Tradesy gives a platform for every woman fashion-lover to buy and sell their most beloved luxury fashion items. It’s got a huge selection of pieces from different well-known brands of today: Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Prada, Chanel, Gucci, and many others.
For buyers, Tradesy works like any other famous online shopping site: you browse their collections and pick anything you would like to buy. In a few days, your package will be shipped straight from your seller’s closet and come straight into your home. Their website was designed to make shopping easier, with items categorized per type and brands, you won’t waste any second with your retail therapy.
For sellers, the process of putting up your items was made easy by Tradesy. You just pick the pieces you want to sell, take great pictures of them, and give your price. Tradesy gets a 9% commission per item that you sell and then pays your earnings through Paypal. However, there have been many complaints from former sellers of the website about how they don’t treat sellers well when it comes to holding their earnings, getting a huge chunk of commission, and inability to give back items returned by the customer, even after the seller released the funds.
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Introduction to Tradesy
It’s Monday, you are getting ready for the start of a new week. Upon stepping out of the shower, you open your closet and think to yourself, I have nothing to wear. Yet, in front of you is a pile of clothes you haven’t worn for months. That flowy pink floral dress you’ve purchased a year ago for your friend’s bohemian-themed wedding, and those pair of pants which totally looked good on you before but doesn’t fit quite right anymore—all of which are now sitting prettily at the back of the closet. Bags and shoes you don’t even remember having are also tucked somewhere in the corner, never seeing the light of day again.
Care to let go of them but do not know how? How about decluttering your closet and selling once coveted items to people who will treasure them? If you’re like us, keep reading to know how you can do all of those and more through Tradesy, a retail website dedicated to encourage selling and buying designer pieces to like-minded individuals.
Messy Closet No More
Tracy DiNunzio, the founder of Tradesy, had a fair share of messy closets that were full of unused clothing, when she suddenly realized the need to simplify her closet. With a wedding dress she has worn only once, pants that no longer fit, and shoes that are a tad smaller than that of her actual size, she decided it is time to sell her once beloved pieces of clothing. On October 24, 2012, after tireless days and sleepless nights, she and a team of seven successfully launched Tradesy.
How It Works
This now growing retail company allows its clients to sell anything—provided it is in good condition—directly from their closet at any time of the day, from any part of the world. After selecting which ones to toss and to keep, you simply take photos of the items you want to sell, and then you can list them on Tradesy. To make the photos more stunning, the site provides an image cleanup which gives a cleaner look to the photos with a white background. This feature enhances the image of the items, attracting more buyers and thereby increasing their chances of being bought.
Once items are sold, Tradesy facilitates shipping and handles returns. In fact, one of the perks offered exclusively for Tradesy sellers is a shipping kit they provide in every sale for a hassle-free shipping. The shipping kit includes packaging materials, so that your package is ready to be delivered right to your buyer’s doorstep.
To add more to that, sellers have the power to set the price of their products, or they can choose to let the company suggest the best value for your pre-loved designer items. Tradesy also gives the buyers the privilege of returning a purchased item if it didn’t fit, or if it simply didn’t meet their expectations. With advantages both for the seller and buyer, there is no question why Tradesy is making noise in the e-commerce fashion retail business.
Today in Tradesy
With luxury items, from Gucci to Dolce & Gabbana to Yves Saint Laurent, priced 90% off their original retail price, there’s no surprise that Tradesy now boasts of millions of customers from all around the world. More so, business magnates and investors including John Doerr and Richard Branson are securely backing the company. Dedicated to providing the most alluring yet affordable and accessible high-end fashion pieces while guaranteeing authenticity, it is no doubt Tradesy has been garnering massive success in the field of designer resale retail.
Tradesy Closet Concierge
Just recently, Tradesy launched Tradesy Closet Concierge, a VIP luxury wardrobe management concierge service. This new addition to its many services coincides with its acquisition of Fitz, a New York-based in-house fashion service startup. With Tradesy Closet Concierge partnering with Fitz, organizing, decluttering, and revamping your wardrobe as well as reselling pre-owned modish clothing items have never been this easy. Plus, you get the the assistance you need only from the best professional fashion stylists.
Tradesy is Here to Stay
Let’s face it, fashion trends come and go so fast that we usually find it hard to keep up. Good thing we now have easy access through our smartphones to sell clothes we no longer wear and buy pieces we’ve been eyeing, all for a discounted price. Thanks to Tradesy, trading designer clothes is a far cry from early days when knock-offs were all over the web. With the promise of bringing new life to your wardrobe during this season, go make money or go on a treasure-hunt now on Tradesy!