“The sun is always setting or rising somewhere,” said Cynthia Rowley. Unfortunately, the sun didn’t shine on her Fall 2019 show during London Fashion Week. It was a shame too, as this was her first runway presentation in a long time. But what was presented to the fashion sphere that day was a travesty. Overall, the line looked amateurish and confusing, with directions coming and going all over the place. For one thing, most of the pieces were too light for a fall collection. We were basically baffled as to why Rowley thought it’d be a good idea to offer silky wrap-dresses and pajama-like separates (with little to no outerwear) for winter! You’d freeze to death in these delicate numbers before you could even get past your front door! The decorating was also a little over-the-top. Fanciful feathers and shimmering leather-like materials were just too tacky for words (so we won’t even try to justify them!). All in all, this was a fabulous flop. Some looks were commendable, but the entire collection was just too much to handle!
Photo: Isidore Montag / Gorunway.com